Metropolitan News-Enterprise


Monday, September 10, 2001


Page 3


Outgoing Bar President Madden Praises Attorneys For Supporting State Bar Foundation


By J’AMY PACHECO, Staff Writer


Lawyers who give financial support to the State Bar Foundation and those who serve on the State Bar Board of Governors got a nod of recognition Friday from outgoing State Bar President Palmer Brown Madden during the foundation’s annual luncheon program.

Speaking at the Hilton Hotel in Anaheim on his last day as president, Madden gave recognition to the “thousands” of California lawyers not in attendance who voluntarily donate to the foundation simply because they view it as “the right thing to do.”

His remarks followed a reception during which 40 students from California law schools received checks from donors MBNA and UPS.

The foundation gave 220 scholarships totaling $915,000, President Pauline Gee said.

The scholarships are funded in part by the donations of lawyers who, Madden said, receive “not a lick of recognition.” He called the donations “just tremendous.”

“It’s a wonderful thing, and we want to acknowledge those people,” he said.

Madden also lauded those who serve on the Board of Governors,  calling their service “absolutely stellar.”

“Nobody ever calls a Board of Governors member to say something nice,” he observed.

Madden also dispelled the “myth” that the Board of Governors is a white-glove group owned by big law firms. He explained that “not one” member of the board hails from a large firm.

Instead, he said, the board is made up of lawyers who represent “the bulk” of lawyers in practice in California.

Best-selling author David Baldacci delivered the keynote address. Baldacci practiced law in Washington, D.C. for nine years before penning the novel “Absolute Power.”

In a largely humorous presentation, Baldacci explained that when he wrote the novel about a president who has an affair, engages in a cover-up and is ultimately impeached by Congress, the idea was original.

“I wrote it when George Bush the first was in office,” he said.

Five novels followed and Baldacci’s seventh is due out in November.

His book, “Wish You Well,” is a “To Kill a Mockingbird” sort of tale, he said, and has been selected as being the inaugural book for the All America Reads literacy project.

Baldacci said he is very involved in literacy projects and encouraged lawyers to become involved as well.

He also advised those present to “slow things down a little bit.”

Modern technology, he explained, has caused human beings to receive information and respond instantly, rather than taking time to think and reflect.

“We’re not machines,” he said. “We should stop acting like machines.”


Copyright 2001, Metropolitan News Company