Metropolitan News-Enterprise


Friday, June 16, 2023


Page 1


Judge Horn Leaves Bench at End of the Day


By a MetNews Staff Writer



Superior Court judge

Today is the last day on the bench for Los Angeles Superior Court Judge H. Chester Horn Jr.

After using up earned vacation days, he will officially retire on Aug. 1.

Horn was appointed to his post by then-Gov Gray Davis on April 18, 2002.

His law degree is from UCLA.

From 1972-81, Horn was a deputy attorney general, assigned to the Antitrust Section.

Among his cases there was a challenge in 1988 to the merger of the Lucky and Alpha Beta supermarket chains, the first action by a state to block a merger under federal antitrust law. He returned to the Attorney General’s Office in 1986 after a stint in private practice, serving in the Charitable Trusts Section, overseeing the activities of nonprofit organizations. 

 Horn remained there until his appointment to the bench.

He’s judicial advisor to the Santa Monica Bar Association.

The judge said yesterday that he “cannot discuss future plans until after August 14th due to confidentiality restrictions,” signaling an intent to hook up with an alternate dispute resolution outfit.


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