Thursday, December 21, 2017
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CJA Section Honors Judge Margaret Henry As ‘Juvenile Court Judge of the Year’
By a MetNews Staff Writer
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Margaret Henry was presented yesterday with the California Judges’ Association’s Wilmont Sweeney Juvenile Court Judge of the Year award.
It was conferred by the Juvenile Court Judges of California, a section of the CJA, at a conference in San Diego. Henry previously chaired that section.
She was appointed to the Los Angeles trial bench in April, 2001 and has served in the Juvenile Court since October of that year, and was supervising judge of the Dependency Division 2005-12.
The CJA said in a statement:
“As Supervising Judge she led a number of initiatives including those related to dental health, civil court access for injured youth in foster care, and access to government benefits. Judge Henry also arranged monthly training for judicial officers in juvenile dependency court relating to law and to legal procedures as well as for services available to children and families.”
Wilmont Sweeney, who died in 1999, had served as presiding judge of the Alameda Juvenile Court. The CJA said that the award named after him is “presented annually to a California Juvenile Court Judge who exemplifies innovative dedication to California’s youth” and “exhibits the same dedication as Judge Sweeney.”
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