Tuesday, November 21, 2017
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4,236—49 Percent—Pass State Bar Examination
By a MetNews Staff Writer
More than 4,236 applicants passed the July bar exam, with the success rate rising from 43 percent last year to 49 percent this year.
Applicants must also pass a moral fitness review.
Preliminary analysis by the State Bar shows that 8,545 persons took the exam; that 5,397 of them—63.2 percent) were first-time applicants; and of the first-time applicants, 62 percent passed.
First-time applicants from California law schools accredited by the American Bar Association had the highest passage rate: 70 percent. Repeaters from unaccredited fixed-faculty schools had the lowest: 14 percent.
The bar exam is administered in February and July each year. The passage rate is traditionally lower in connection with the winter exam because most of the applicants are repeaters.
The July exam was administered in a two-day format; it was previously a three-day exam.
It consisted of the a multiple-choice Multistate Bar Examination, five essay questions, and one performance test.
The list from the exam appears on the State Bar website at http://apps.calbar.ca.gov/exam/.
Admission ceremonies will be held next month.
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