Metropolitan News-Enterprise


Friday, March 31, 2017


Page 3


LACBA Chief Executive Clark Brown to Retire


By a MetNews Staff Writer


County Bar General Counsel/Chief Administrative Officer Clark Brown is retiring June 2.

In an email to trustees, a copy of which was obtained yesterday by the MetNews, Brown said it was “time…to turn my energy to other endeavors,” including spending time with his two teenage sons “and pursuing a non-law business opportunity.”

He wrote:

 “I am extremely proud of the work we have accomplished over the last 15 years, including LACBA’s closer relationship with the Los Angeles Superior Court, expansion of our Lawyer Referral Service, the developing support for our public service Projects through cy pres awards and other fundraising, and our new Juvenile Indigent Defense Panel Project.”

He added:

“I have enjoyed working with you all over these many years, and wish you all the best.”


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