Thursday, October 12, 2017
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Governor Vetoes Bill That Would Have Assured Internet Access in Juvenile Detention Facilities
By a MetNews Staff Writer
Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. yesterday vetoed a bill that would have assured Internet access to juveniles in detention facilities.
He said, in rejecting AB 811, which applied to foster care facilities and detention facilities of the state Department of Juvenile Justice and local entities:
“While I agree with this bill’s intent, the inclusion of state facilities alone will cost upwards of $ 15 million for infrastructure upgrades. Also, the reasonable access standard in this bill is vague, and could lead to implementation questions on top of the potentially costly state mandate created by the legislation.”
He added:
“I therefore urge the proponents to revisit the local aspects of this bill in the future, taking these concerns under advisement. In the meantime I am directing the Department of Juvenile Justice to present a plan in the coming year to provide computer and internet access as soon as is practicable, and that can be budgeted for accordingly.”
The bill was authored by Assembly member Mike A. Gipson, D-Carson, the Assembly Democratic Caucus chair.
Brown did sign another bill by Gipson: AB 878.
That bill restricts use of handcuffs and other “mechanical restraints” on juvenile detainees “during transportation outside of the facility” where they are incarcerated “only upon a determination made by the probation department, in consultation with the transporting agency, that the mechanical restraints are necessary to prevent physical harm to the juvenile or another person or due to a substantial risk of flight.”
It provides that “the least restrictive form of restraint shall be used consistent with the legitimate security needs of each juvenile.”
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