Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Page 3
Los Angeles County Bar Association Launches Online Career Support Forum
By a MetNews Staff Writer
The Los Angeles County Bar Association yesterday launched a new online career support forum open to attorneys and legal recruiters to assist those who have been affected by the economic downturn.
The forum allows registrants to share information and resources about topics such as job availability, resume building, interview skills, opening a new practice, as well as personal and family issues that can arise from economic dislocation by group email.
Michael “Tim” Elliot, chief marketing officer for LACBA, emphasized that the forum is “for the entire legal profession,” and that individuals do not need to be LACBA members in order to join.
It is accessible through the LACBA website, which also provides listings for available attorney positions and a place for lawyers looking for work to post their resumes.
LACBA President Danette E. Meyers said that the organization decided to launch the new support forum in order to meet the needs of the legal community because the “traditional means applied by attorneys to find a place in a law firm or to establish their own law firms just aren’t working for many attorneys who have been affected by this economic crisis.”
She maintained that one of LACBA’s roles is “to serve attorneys with career related resources, and I can’t think of a better way to serve the growing number of attorneys in Los Angeles who are looking for jobs than with this type of support forum.”
Copyright 2009, Metropolitan News Company