Friday, October 2, 2009
Page 3
ABA Honors Holly Fujie With Service Award
By a MetNews Staff Writer
The American Bar Association’s General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division said yesterday that it is awarding State Bar of California Past President Holly Fujie its Making a Difference Through Service to the Profession Award.
Fujie, the first Asian American and the third woman to serve as State Bar president, is scheduled to receive the award Oct. 16 at the Difference-Makers Dinner at the Millennium Biltmore in Los Angeles during the division’s annual Solo and Small Firm Conference.
According to the division, the award honors an attorney, living or deceased, who made a significant contribution to the legal profession through service to the profession, such as frequent activities in bar associations, committees and services.
Fujie is a litigation shareholder with Buchalter Nemer, and serves on the boards of the California Bar Foundation, the Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles and the Los Angles chapter of the Federal Bar Association. She is president-elect of the Boalt Hall Alumni Association, chair–elect of legal aid organization Bet Tzedek and secretary of the Chancery Club.
She is also a member of the advisory board of the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Los Angeles, LACBA’s Committee for Diversity in the Profession and the joint LACBA/WLALA Task Force on the Retention and Advancement of Women.
In December, Sen. Dianne Feinstein named Fujie to chair a committee to screen potential federal judicial nominees in the Central District of California.
The chair of the ABA GPSolo Division, Col. James A. Durant III, said Fujie “has a professional life dedicated to serving her profession,” adding that “[h]er work provides an inspiration for what we as lawyers can achieve in our professional lives.”
West, a Thomson Reuters business, is a primary sponsor of the award.
The ABA GPSolo Division is the only ABA entity exclusively devoted to solo practitioners and small firm lawyers, which the division said represent half of the nation’s lawyers. The division has approximately 25,000 members and describes itself as the voice of the “Main Street lawyer.”
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