Metropolitan News-Enterprise


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Page 3


National Group Honors AOC’s William C. Vickrey


By a MetNews Staff Writer


William C. Vickrey, administrative director of the California courts and executive director of the California Administrative Office of the Courts, will be inducted into the National Center for State Courts’ Warren E. Burger Society during the organization’s annual recognition luncheon on Friday in Washington, D.C.

The Warren E. Burger Society, named for the former Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court who helped found the NCSC in 1971, honors individuals who have volunteered their time, talent, and support to the National Center in “exceptional ways, “ the group said.

Vickery was praised by the organization for his “commitment to improving the administration of justice at the national level through his many volunteer activities,” including his service on the National Center‘s Board of Directors from 1996 until 2000, as president of the Conference of State Court Administrators and as vice-chair of NCSC’s board from 1998 until 1999.

He also serves or has served on a number of national committees, including the Pew Commission on Children in Foster Care, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government Executive Sessions for State Court Leaders, and the National Performance Management Advisory Commission, and has received numerous awards recognizing his contributions to the judiciary, including the Leadership Award from the National Association of Drug Court Professionals in 2006, the Judicial Council of California’s Distinguished Service Award in 1999, and the National Center’s Warren E. Burger Award in 1995, the group added.

NCSC, headquartered in Williamsburg, Va., describes itself as a nonprofit court reform organization dedicated to improving the administration of justice by providing leadership and service to the state courts.

Founded in 1971 by the Conference of Chief Justices and Chief Justice of the United States Warren E. Burger, NCSC provides education, training, technology, management, and research services to the nation’s state courts.

Vickrey has served as administrative director of the California courts since 1992, and is also secretary to the Judicial Council of California. Prior to assuming the administrative helm of the largest state court system in the nation, Vickrey was the administrator of the Utah Administrative Office of the Courts for seven years, executive director of the Utah Department of Corrections from 1983 to 1985, and director of the Utah State Division of Youth Corrections for three years.

Friday’s event will be hosted by Utah’s Chief Justice Christine M. Durham, chair of NCSC’s Board of Directors.


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